Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sweep Picking? Arpeggios? What was that again...?

When I was studying at Polytechnic University of the Philippines (now you know why I'm not good in english?), I discovered that my Advance Mathematics Professor (a very young 22 years old mathematician (regards to Sir See!) also plays guitar. He's not just a very good mathematician, he's also a guitar geek. I asked him who's his influenced and he answered me with a name... "It's Yngwie Malmsteen." At that time, I don't have any idea who this Yngwie Malmsteen is. But when I've heard Yngwie's "Seventh Sign" album, I was shocked and amazed on how he played his guitar. I asked my professor if he could also teach me some techniques that yngwie uses and he taught me "Sweep Picking".

Sweep picking is playing notes one after another, your pick travels in one direction across multiple strings. My math professor introduced me this technique in year 2001 but I don't have the chance to study and practice it because I was so busy with my thesis.

Here's some video that I've found and you may also find these beneficial if you're just like me, a newbie yngwie wanabee. :)

Hope I could absorb these free online arpeggios examples, but with my rusty fingers, I don't think so... It will take a lot of time for me to practice.


  1. nice one! add mo ako sir padawan sa blogroll mo. thanks!

